Trees are tall and big land plants of the earth that usually survive for many years. They are woody plants that attain a height of about 4.5 meters (15 feet) after reaching full maturity and are found all over the world in high numbers.
All trees have some basic environmental value and provide us with many benefits, such as producing oxygen, purifying the atmosphere, conserving water, preventing soil erosion, giving habitat to a wide variety of insects, birds, and animals. In short, trees help to maintain the balance of nature.
What are the Different Parts of a Tree
A mature tree has three basic parts: 1) roots, 2) crown, and 3) trunk or bole. Although the structure of these parts may vary based on the altitude and geographical position of the tree, each of them performs distinct functions.
1) Roots
Roots are the underground part of a tree. The primary root or taproots grow horizontally downwards, with lateral roots arising from the taproot. Each root is surrounded by many, tiny root hairs that increase their area of absorption.
They are the topmost portion of a tree that may vary widely based on their shapes and sizes. The crown is made up of the following parts:
i) Leaves: Usually the green part of a plant that remains attached to the crown. Leaves are also known as the factories of a tree. A collection of green leaves is called foliage.
ii) Branches: The first thick branches of a tree arising from the central wooden axis are called boughs while the smallest terminal branches of a tree are known as twigs.
iii) Flowers: The most colorful and attractive part of the plant that remains attached to the terminal branches. It later develops into a fruit.
iv) Fruit: The edible part of the plant that develops from the flowers. It contains the seed that gives rise to a new plant.
Leaves help to filter dust and other particles present in the air, thus keep the air clean
Leaves keep the plant cool through the loss of water by evaporation
Twigs help to give rise to new plants
Boughs and branches store food materials in the form of sugar that are required by the plant for their growth and metabolism
Boughs and branches provide strength and support to the plant
3) Trunk or Bole
The trunk is the central wooden axis of the crown that is typically brownish. They contain a network of small tubes that runs between the roots and the leaves, thus acting as the plumbing system in the plant. A typical tree trunk shows six parts:
i) Outer bark: The outermost layer of the trunk, branches, and twigs of the tree. The bark of some plants has a characteristic odor and scent.
ii) Cambium: The thin layer of living tissues consisting of growing cells that are present just inside the bark. Every season they add a new layer to its trunk, thus producing a visible annual growth ring in most trees.
iii) Sapwood or xylem: The youngest layers of wood that are made up of a network of living cells. Over the years, the inner layers of sapwood die.
iv) Heartwood: The older and dead xylem cells found close to the center of the trunk and thus are usually darker than xylem. They are filled with stored sugar, oils, and dyes.
v) Pith: The tiny dark spot present at the center of the tree trunk that is highly protected from damage by wind, insects, and animals.
vi) Inner bark or phloem: The pipeline located between the outer bark and the cambium of the tree trunk.
Bark protects the delicate inside wood of the tree
Cambium helps in making new cells thus allowing the tree to grow in diameter
Outer bark and sapwood helps in supporting the crown and providing the tree its shape
Pith and sapwood conducts water and minerals from the roots to the leaves
Inner bark transports the foods prepared by the leaves to all parts of a plant
Outer bark and cambium provides mechanical strength to the plant
A tree has three main parts: the crown, trunk and roots. The trunk is made up of five different layers, including bark, cambium, heartwood, phloem, and xylem.
A tree has three main parts: the crown, trunk and roots. The trunk is made up of five different layers, including bark, cambium, heartwood, phloem, and xylem.
A tree has the ability to provide an essential of life for all living things on our planet – oxygen, and the power to remove harmful gases like carbon dioxide making the air we breathe healthier. Here is how it works: To keep it simple a tree is comprised of its leaves, stems, trunk and its roots.
Roots are undeniably the most important component of the tree. Any large tree that suddenly has its roots dug up will die within weeks. Naturally, roots are designed to be underground as they are sensitive and can be affected by outside extremities.
The scientific study of trees is called dendrology. Trees and plants are identified by many characteristics including bark, flowers, fruits and seeds, buds, and twig traits. One of the easiest ways to identify a tree is by examining its leaves.
Leaves are the main (but not only) organ responsible for turning sunlight into food. The green pigment found in most leaves absorbs sunlight, which is one of the important ingredients in the food-making process. This process is called photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, chlorophyll captures the energy of sunlight.
Trunk. The trunk of the tree, also sometimes called the main stem, makes up the majority of the tree at 60%. A tree's trunk is one of its primary organs, helping it reach the heights it needs to find sunlight.
Leaves – broadleaf or needles; primary location for photosynthesis and production of hormones and other chemicals. Twigs and Branches – support structures for leaves, flowers and fruits. Crown – the upper part of the tree composed of leaves, twigs, branches, flowers and fruit.
Branches- Grow from the trunk of the tree and help the transport water, sugar and nutrients to the leaves and canopy (crown) of the tree. They also help support the leaves that make up the canopy (crown). Leaves-Grow from the stem which are attached to the branches to make up the canopy (crown) of the tree.
A typical tree is composed of three main components: the trunk, the roots, and the crown. The trunk, or stem, is the main organ of the plant. It provides the tree with structural support, acting as a conduit for water and nutrients between the roots and crown. A tree may have a single trunk or multiple trunks.
Branches are the thicker arms that grow directly from the trunk.Stems and twigs are the smaller fingers that grow from the branches, and the leaves grow from the stems and twigs. Depending on the tree, some branches may grow taller than the branches of other nearby trees to dominate over them.
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